PowerGirls validates, celebrates, and empowers young urban influenced women of color in support of living a productive and God honoring lifestyle. We provide information and inspiration for every aspect of their lives; physically, mentally socially, spiritually, and financially. We serve young women who are in middle school (ages 11-13) and high school (ages 14-18). We also have a graduate division that serves young women who are in college or are entering careers (ages 18-25).
Donations are gratefully accepted as there is no charge to any student participant.
Please complete the contact form for additional information and applications for our 2024-2025 program which are available upon request.
PowerGirls is a division of Disciples in Action, International: Los Angeles (DIA:LA), a 501 (c) 3 not for profit faith based organization based in California. Join us in our efforts to serve the community by ministering to the needs of urban young women. Your generous support is gratefully appreciated. You are invited to make a one-time donation or join the P-3 Program by making a monthly contribution of $5, $10,or $20 each month. Your donations are securely processed using PayPal or you can mail your support to PowerGirl Ministries 3818 S. Crenshaw Blvd., Ste.355, LA,CA 90008